heather Blog, Education, Trout

By: Heather Hodson
Learning hatch charts and researching the local fishing reports are a couple of quick ways to do the work to become a more successful angler.
Presentation and fishing techniques play a significant role in catching fish. Whether your fly is pink and bedazzled or has all-natural materials, ANGLER CONFIDENCE plays a huge role! In most instances, if you have confidence in your fly, you’ve made a cast in the correct location with a good drift; you’ll be successful.
If you’re reading this blog, you’re at a point where it’s time to dive deeper into your flies and entomology. One of the most intimidating parts of the sport is choosing the right fly. We still recommend learning how to read water, set up a leader, and understand how to fish the fly before you focus on the bugs.
review time
Let’s review the Trout Fly Types. Read Blog HERE.
- Dry Fly = Adult Stage of Bug
- Emerger = Mature Stage of Adult Insects
- Wet Fly = Imitates Drowned, Drifting or Hatching Insect
- Nymph = Immature Stage of Bug
- Streamer = Mimics Bait Fish and Other Large Aquatic Prey.
Learn the Hatch Charts
Check Out the Fishing Reports
The first action plan should be to research the river or area you want to fish. Check out the local fly shop “Fishing Report,” or better yet, go into the shop and talk to the staff directly and purchase some of the recommended flies. The relationships you develop with the shop could be priceless.
Extra points for the fly shops that have women represented on their website! Kudos, Silver Bow Fly Shop!!
Google the Fles You're not Familar With
Research the fly names you’re unfamiliar with. I could probably only tell you the names of about 25% of the flies in my fly box. Fly names are an artistic expression given by the creator. Most of the time, the name has nothing to do with what type of fly it is. I’d guess a Purple Haze is a Jimi Hendrix song or a potent strain of Sativa cannabis. I’d never think it’s an attractor fly or used as an adult mayfly searching pattern.
The Grizzly Hackle Fishing Report states that Skinny Chubby is fishing well. I’d do a quick internet search for the Skinny Chubby, look at the flies in my fly box and see if I have anything similar. Please take a look at the example below.
Like anything, we must do some work to better educate ourselves on a particular subject. Learning hatch charts and researching the local fishing reports are quick ways to do the job. Happy Fishing!!